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Wanda's Wheelhouse - March 2023

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Wow, God can show up in many ways. I don’t know about you, but winter has been strange. Winter is really not my favorite time of year. I don’t like the cold. A couple of weeks ago though, I woke up to the most beautiful snowfall that I had seen in a long time. There was about seven inches of snow on our deck and the lights looked like beautiful white snowcaps. I stopped and thanked God, because this was His handiwork. It was just beautiful as the snow glistened. But on the flip side, shoveling was no fun. Honestly, though, I am anxiously waiting for spring.

The other day as I was walking into the church, I was amazed to see little daffodil shoots starting to burst from the ground. It amazes me that bulbs can lie dormant for the entire winter and then, by some miracle, know when to spring up. They get taller by the day and soon these new sprouts will have buds that will form the beautiful flowers that we enjoy so much.

Now mind you, winter is still here and I pray for these little buds that stay strong. As we prepare our hearts and souls for Lent, what is hidden, dormant within you that can spring forth this season and become a beautiful thing? Unlike flowers, we have to give these hidden treasures a nudge sometimes. Paul tells us that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation - just like the flowers that appear in the springtime.

This Lenten season, I challenge you to look hard into the recesses of your soul and gently nudge something within you to burst up through the ground of your life. Try something different in your spiritual life. If you are are accustomed to praying on a regular basis and don’t do too much studying of the Bible, add that. Take a step out of your normal comfort zone and that might provide the force for your flowers, your hidden treasures, to grow.

Ash Wednesday is February 22, and as we begin this Lenten journey together, I hope you will join me in inviting God into our lives as we continue to celebrate and commit to the life of Jesus Christ. Through Lent, together we will cultivate our season and deepen our faith walk. Instead of saying no to the calling of the church, because we are too busy, take the time of Lent and through the rest of this year to say yes to all that God has in store for us. Say yes to our journey together. This is an exciting season. God Bless each of you! Love, Wanda


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